"I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something.
The something I ought to do, I can do, and by the grace of God, I will."
From: lbogle@dav.org
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 13:16:12 -0500
Subject: Stand Up for Veterans Update
DAV, other VSOs Call for Single, Integrated Outside VA Care Program
At a House Veterans' Affairs Committee hearing on May 13, 2015, DAV, VFW, The American Legion and IAVA called for VA to consolidate all of its outside medical care programs that provide care in the community for veterans, according to a story running in Stars and Stripes.
"There should be one program for outside VA care and it should be simplified," DAV's Joseph Violante told the Committee.
"All of the advocates at the hearing agreed the [Choice] program is still too complicated, with veterans facing different rules depending on their situation and health conditions, and confusion about who is eligible," according to Stars and Stripes.
Stars and Stripes also reported that "Concerned Veterans for America pushed for its own proposal, which would largely privatize VA health care and raise co-pays for newer veterans in exchange for more flexibility to use private care. The VA has rejected the proposal and no other veterans' service organization has supported it."
Op-Ed: DAV, Recruit Military "Build Bridges Between Veterans and Employers
"The gap in connecting veterans to employers is not a lack of skill. It results from a disconnection in translating military experience and skills to civilian job equivalents," argue Peter Gudmundsson and Marc Burgess in an opinion piece running in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal.
Gudmundsson, President of the veterans hiring company Recruit Military, and Burgess, National Adjutant of DAV, write that, "Plenty of employers, while supportive of the military community, lack the experience to understand military culture... And on the flip side, plenty of veterans lack the knowledge to conduct an open-ended job search and explain their skills in civilian terms."
DAV has partnered with Recruit Military to sponsor dozens of "All-Veteran Career Fairs" around the country, to educate and connect veterans and employers.
"We are ensuring that the men and women who stood up for America have the tools, resources and opportunities they need to competitively enter the job market and secure meaningful employment," they write in the Journal-Sentinel op-ed.
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