Wednesday, March 25, 2015

FW: DAV Member of the Year

 If you understand, Things are just as they are. 
If you do not understand, Things are just as they are.

Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 20:13:02 -0400
Subject: Fwd: DAV Member of the Year

Sent: 2/28/2015 12:17:22 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: DAV Member of the Year

Commanders, Adjutants, DEC's and all PDC's,
Commander Anton has authorized an extension of the time (until 1 April 2015) for each Chapter in the Dept. of Nevada to submit a member of their Chapter for the award of "DAV Member of the Year".  So take a look at your membership there has to be a member of your Chapter that is doing a good or very good job for the Chapter and veterans.  Write it up in bullet statements (same as the write-up for DAV Chapter of the Year also due 1 April 2015) one page and mail or email to your department adjutant, please call or email with any questions H 702-617-1185 or C 702-334-3121.
Richard Walker

FW: Heller Receives Award from Disabled American Veterans

 If you understand, Things are just as they are. 
If you do not understand, Things are just as they are.

Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 19:51:55 -0400
Subject: Heller Receives Award from Disabled American Veterans

Sent: 3/1/2015 6:27:12 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Fwd: FW: Heller Receives Award from Disabled American Veterans

Our DAV at work, paying tribute to U.S. Senator Dean Heller.
R. Walker
Comrades and Friends of the DAV Department of Nevada, This is the latest News Release from Senator Heller.

Bill Baumann
DAV Department of Nevada
Legislative Chairman

For Immediate Release:                                                                                Contact: Neal A. Patel
February 27, 2015                                                                                                       202-224-6244

Heller Receives Award from Disabled American Veterans

(Washington, DC) – This week, the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) presented U.S. Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) with the "Outstanding Senate Legislator of the Year" Award in recognition of his continuing support of wounded, injured and ill veterans, their families and survivors.
"It is truly humbling to have been chosen as the first Senator to receive this award," said Senator Dean Heller. "I am greatly appreciative of the DAV for working closely with me to tackle issues like the VA claims backlog, treatment for PTS, and care for our women veterans. This organization, which has more than 6,500 members in Nevada, is one of the most powerful voices and most effective advocates on behalf of America's heroes, and I look forward to working with DAV in the future."
DAV National Commander Ronald Hope praised Senator Heller for his efforts, "We congratulate Senator Heller as the first recipient of DAV's Outstanding Senate Legislator of the Year Award, for his support of injured and ill veterans and their families. The Senator has shown clear dedication to our nation's finest, and veterans are fortunate to have public officials willing to push through the partisanship on their behalf."
A PDF copy of Commander Hope's letter can be found HERE.
Click HERE to watch DAV present Senator Heller with the "Outstanding Senate Legislator of the Year" Award.
Heller DAV Award 2 25 15

FW: UVLC Report

 If you understand, Things are just as they are. 
If you do not understand, Things are just as they are.

Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 15:18:42 -0400
Subject: UVLC Report

Forwared by Adjutant, DAV Chapter 13

Sent: 3/23/2015 10:30:41 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Fwd: UVLC Report

for your information, the United Veterans Legislative Council Report.
R. Walker

United Veterans Legislative Council Report
March 26
VAMDAL - Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature
8 AM - 2 PM (Please see attached for assembly veteran seating)
The event will begin with presentations at Veterans Memorial Hall at 0800, located behind the Governor's Building, then move to the Legislature for resolutions.
Following this event we will have our UVLC Meeting; Guinn Rm in the Capital Building (Governor's Building), 1500 (3pm), teleconferenced to UNLV in Rm CBC-B117.

Attached is a letter template for support of AB 140. We are asking that the state civil judges adhere to Federal Law when concerning VA Service Connected Disability Compensation and Alimony. I encourage you to be an active participant in our efforts and personalize then send a copy to your representatives.

WEEK 7 Report
AB 62- Regarding; Military day in Legislature, veterans remains officer, naming state buildings and parks after veterans; Amend, Do Pass out of Assembly Gov Affairs Committee, Feb 27. Amendment does not affect intent.
AB 71- Regarding; IU tax exemption increase same as 100%. Amend, Do Pass out of Assebmly Taxation Committee, March 12. The IU portion was removed due to fiscal impact likely killing the bill. However, we will pursue possible action administratively. Remainder of Bill including Gold Star family tax exemption intact and moving forward.
AB 76- Regarding; out of state tuition waiver for veterans. Amend, Do Pass out of Assembly on Education, March 11. Amendment increased out of state tuition waiver for veterans to 5 years from end of service date.
AB 89- Regarding; license reciprocity for military education applicable in the civilian world. Amend, Do Pass out of Assembly Commerce and Labor Committee, March 4. Amendment does not affect intent.
AB 93-  Regarding; requiring certain licensed professionals to receive suicide prevention and awareness training in order to renew certain licenses. Do Pass out of  Assembly Commerce and Labor Committee, Feb 25.
AB 103- Regarding; creation of Silver Star and Bronze Star license plates. Heard in Assembly Committee on Taxation, Feb 17.
AB 131- Regarding; adding an application for selective service to be available upon application for Nv driver license. Amend, Do Pass out of Assembly Committee on Transportation, Feb 24.
AB 140-Regarding; VA Disability Compensation used as community property and income for purposes of Alimony. Heard in Assembly Judiciary Committee, March 20th 0800, Excellent turnout, to all those who participated in both Reno and Las Vegas; THANK YOU!! Working on changes of Bills wording to Codify Federal Law.
AB 184- Regarding; Revises provisions governing the involuntary commitment of certain persons to a hospital of the Department of Veterans Affairs. No meetings scheduled at this time.
AB 241- Regarding; Creates the Advisory Military and Veterans Research Committee. Heard on March 20, 0830, Rm 4100. Director Miller and UVLC Secretary Tim Galuzzi testified for amendments to not duplicate efforts of Veteran Service Commission but rather expand existing.
AB 250- Regarding; Revising provisions relating to disabled veterans who are entitled to special license plates; Amend, Do Pass out of Assembly Transportation Committee, March 12.
AB 257- Regarding; Creates the Nevada Defense Support Committee within the Governor's Office of Economic Development. No meetings scheduled at this time.
AB 294- Regarding; "AN ACT relating to public health; requiring providers of health care to receive training relating to suicide assessment, screening and referral. No meetings scheduled at this time.
AB 301- Regarding; Prohibits restrictions on the freedom to display the flag of the State of Nevada in certain places. Heard in Assembly Judiciary Committee, March 19.
AB 318- Regarding; Financial services; providing that any deferred deposit loan, high-interest loan, refund anticipation loan or title loan made to a current or former member of the military must conform to the requirements of the federal Military Lending Act. No meeting scheduled at this time.
AB 327- Regarding; Makes an appropriation to the Eighth Judicial District Court for a Veterans Court Coordinator. No meetings scheduled at this time.
AB 388- Regarding; Revises provisions governing certain leaves of absence for military duty for public officers and employees. No meetings scheduled at this time.
SB 60- Regarding; Establishes the "Office of Military Legal Assistance" within the Attorney General's office. Heard in Senate Judiciary, March 9.
SB 90- Regarding; Military court martial process for Nv Military. Currently no such process exists. Passed out of Senate, passed out of Assembly Committee on Government Affairs.
SB 145- Regarding; Out of state residents in Nv National Guard to pay in state fees for motorcycle safety course. Passed out of Senate. Hearing in Assembly on Transportation March 26, 1315, Rm 3143.
SB 209- Regarding; Diver License designation documentation expansion, Assigned to Senate Committee on Transportation. Do Pass out of Senate Transportation Committee, March 19.
SB 268- Regarding; Relating to veterans; requiring the Department of Veterans Services to develop plans and programs to assist veterans who have suffered sexual trauma while on active duty or during military training. No meetings scheduled at this time.
Any questions, comments, or concerns please contact me at
Caleb E. Harris 
UVLC Chairman

DAV Nv Legislative Co-Chair
VFW Nv Legislative Co-Chair 
PO Box 60431 Reno, Nv



 If you understand, Things are just as they are. 
If you do not understand, Things are just as they are.

Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 14:50:35 -0400

Forwarded by Larry Tobey, Adjutant, DAV Chapter 13

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: 3/24/2015 11:06:07 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: SPECIAL UPDATE FROM TREA: THE ENLISTED ASSN -- VA Reacts to Pressure; Changes How the Veterans' Choice 40 Mile Rule Is Calculated

For your information.
R. Walker

VA Reacts to Pressure; Changes How the Veterans' Choice 40 Mile Rule Is Calculated
Twice As Many Veterans Will Be Eligible

Today the Department of Veterans Affairs bowed before Congressional and VSO pressure (including TREA President Hyland's testimony last week) and changed their method of calculating the 40 mile distance required by the Veterans Choice Program from the nearest VA facility from a straight line (as the crow flies) to actual mileage driven.

The VA had been using a method that did not take into account whether there were mountains, lakes, cities, etc. between a veteran and the VA facility.

The Veterans Choice Program is part of the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA) which was signed into law last August to try to correct the excessive waiting times for medical care that numerous veterans throughout the country were, and still are, facing. The Veterans' Choice Program allows veterans who have been told by their local VA medical facility that it will be over 30 days before they can have an appointment or if they live over 40 miles from a VA facility.

The VA has put out a fact sheet on their new 40 mile rule. To find it please go to:

Numerous bills have already been proposed to require this change and a Senate hearing on this issue was previously scheduled for today. This change should approximately double the number of veterans who will be able to receive medical care from civilian doctors under the program. This should be a real help to many of you. More details will be in next week's TREA Washington Update on Monday.
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FW: VAMDAL 2015 - Veterans & Military Day at the Legislature - Thursday,...

 If you understand, Things are just as they are. 
If you do not understand, Things are just as they are.

Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 14:53:04 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Fw: VAMDAL 2015 - Veterans & Military Day at the Legislature - Thursday,...

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: 3/24/2015 11:04:45 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: VAMDAL 2015 - Veterans & Military Day at the Legislature - Thursday, March 26

For your information.
R. Walker

Nevada Legislature
Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature

The NDVS will host the 2015 Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature on Thursday, March 26.

The event will begin with a morning event with Governor Brian Sandoval's address and presentations to Veterans of the Month for February and March. Representatives from Nevada's Assembly and Senate will also be present to speak.

After the morning event, Nevada's Legislature will recognize veterans with a resolution for Nevada's Fallen Heroes and lunch will be served with assistance from the Nevada National Guard in the Legislative Mall where military vehicles will be available for viewing.

Veterans Wall - State Capital Building, 101 N. Carson St.
8 AM   Gather for event
9 AM   Opening Remarks - Kat Miller
          Address - Governor Brian Sandoval
Veteran of the Month Presentations:
February 2015 (Robert Brown/ LV)
March 2015 (Robert Martin/ Reno)
           Legislators Address

Nevada Legislature Building
10 AM  Legislative Meetings
11:30  Assembly Resolution - Nevada's Fallen
12:00  Senate Resolution - Nevada's Fallen
12:30  Lunch provided Legislative Mall
2 PM    Legislative Meetings

NDVS Veterans Service Officer will be available to speak with veterans.

Sign up for
with the Nevada 78th Legislature

You can sign up with the 78th Legislature for Personal Legislative Tracking (PLT) to stay up to date on issues you are interested in. The PLT site allows you to track up to 10 items FREE. Beyond 10, there is a subscription fee which is found on the website.

A brief set of instructions/tips are located on the NDVS website by clicking this link. INSTRUCTIONS.
Or you can go directly to the 78th PLT website HERE.

The instructions provided by NDVS are only to assist you to get started.
If you have issues with registering, signing in or other issues, you must contact the "Webmaster " through the Contact Us tab at the bottom of the PLT home page. 

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Nevada Department of Veteran Services | 6880 S. McCarran Blvd., Bldg. A - Suite 2 | Reno | NV | 89509
Forwared by Adjutant, DAV Chapter 13

Friday, March 20, 2015

FW: DAV: March 2015 Newsletter

To all my fellow veterans friends and family my we all remember

Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 10:21:13 -0500
Subject: DAV: March 2015 Newsletter

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) DAV - Disabled American Veterans
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DAV Takes a Stand for Veterans

DAV Takes a Stand for Veterans

DAV took part in a fast-growing stand down in Jackson, N.C., where vets in need got information, free dental screenings, and necessities like blankets and hygiene items.


DAV Advocates for Veteran

DAV Advocates for Veteran
Injuries that Adam sustained during some of Iraq's fiercest fighting came home with him to his family. But when DAV took the reins of his case, everyone felt the relief.

You'll bring free DAV help to many thousands of veterans and families as you give $25 … $50 … $100 or more now.
You can make a difference in the lives of our nation's injured veterans!
Need help filing your VA claims? Turn to your local DAV office.
Join your fellow wounded veterans and become a member of DAV today.
Stand by our veterans and give the gift of your time.
Anyone can support the families of our veterans. Learn about DAVA today!
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Widow Lifted by DAV

Widow Lifted by DAV

A Korean War vet's spouse literally got a lift from DAV to help support her terminally ill husband when he got too weak to stand. And the lift she got from DAV continued after he passed from this life.
Shop Amazon, Benefit Disabled Vets

Shop Amazon, Benefit DAV

Helping veterans can't get easier than this. Register for Amazon Smile by visiting Enter "Disabled American Veterans" to quickly find the DAV Charitable Service Trust and a way to make sure 0.5% of every purchase is donated to efforts that complement DAV's core mission.
DAV Eases Veterans' Return Home

DAV Eases Veterans' Return Home

Aware of the struggles veterans face finding work after military service, DAV is part of a network of intertwining organizations in one Ohio county that helps veterans support themselves and their families.
Will Your Employer Match Your Gift?

Will Your Employer Match Your Gift?

Here's a quick way to find out if your employer will match your gift to DAV or the DAV Charitable Service Trust. It's a great way to multiply the assistance you offer to veterans and their families.
You're a DAV Stakeholder

You're a DAV Stakeholder

Yes, it's true. As a DAV benefactor, you are a crucial member of our DAV family, and we want to offer you this close insider's look at what's happening in the organization that you support so very well.
DAV Conference News

VA Reform: The Road Ahead

DAV leadership recently had the opportunity to share their views with members of Congress, including thoughts on the VA health care system. Our organization remains vigilant in ensuring the health of veterans is top priority.
You're a DAV Stakeholder

DAV is Lucky to Know You!

The revelry of St. Patrick's Day was alive and well in our land of the free.

We have our brave veterans to thank for that ... and for the American way of life.

You're crucial to the veterans who protected everything we treasure. You bring them valuable help through DAV as you make your best gift of $25 … $50 … $100 or more now.
DAV (Disabled American Veterans) | P.O. Box 14301 | Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301
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