Monday, April 27, 2015

On April 15, 2015, after a year of auditing the Philadelphia Regional Office’s

On April 15, 2015, after a year of auditing the Philadelphia Regional Office’s disability compensation claims process, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report confirming more bad news. The over 80-page document, entitled Review of Alleged Data Manipulation and Mismanagement at the VA Regional Office (Philadelphia, PA), paints a dark picture of mismanagement, a lack of accountability, and blatant attempts to cover up unsavory activities.

The Report, which chronicles and details the horrific actions of those within the Philadelphia RO, contains the following findings:

  • Claims for benefits were altered to hide processing delays.
  • Quality reviews were altered inappropriately to remove claims processing errors that had been reported.
  • Long delays in processing appeals of benefits and inquiries about pensions.
  • Failure to stop improper benefits payments of about $2 million.
  • Four bins of unprocessed mail hidden by an employee.
  • Failure to process mail that had been returned as undeliverable, including time-sensitive documents that had the potential to affect veterans’ benefits.

The Philadelphia RO oversees the administration of about $4 billion in annual benefits payments. The review of its operations began in June after allegations were made to the inspector general’s hotline about mismanagement. These weren’t only from veterans – some came from RO staff members, who reported concerns of inappropriate reprisals against staff raising issues. From reviewing the report, it appears that the OIG substantiated almost all of the allegations raised, at least to a degree

The VA’s undersecretary for benefits, Allison Hickey, said in her response to the audit that the new director in Philadelphia is turning things around by building relationships with employees “and focusing on creating a culture that puts veterans and their eligible beneficiaries first.”

She said the agency is hiring more workers to process appeals, reviewing cases to flag improper payments, adding staff to ensure that new mail is processed within six hours, implementing a plan to handle returned mail, and reviewing the pension call center’s standards.

To me, this sounds like putting a Band-Aid on a bullet wound (which is not the first time I’ve used that expression regarding the VA). And unlike some other reports, which discuss only mistreatment or neglect of veterans, it explains how hard it can be to work for the VA. Imagine how demoralizing it would be to truly care about the VA’s mission while being strangled by red tape or while inhabiting a cubicle next to someone who sleeps at their desk all day without recourse. Or for reporting problems and getting in trouble for opening your mouth. It’s downright sad.

For an extremely colorful read on the latest on VA shenanigans, access the Report here.

*Did you find this article informative? If so, sign up for Sarah Schauerte’s legal blog on veterans issues at: Remember to click the link sent to your email to activate your subscription!

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Friday, April 24, 2015

4/24/2015 Agenda




· Introduction

· Pledge of Allegiance

· Approval of minutes

· Approval of agenda

· Discussion of Active Veteran Legislation / Old Business

o AB62 Passed Assembly

o AB71 Assm Committee on Ways and Means, Apr 7. Declared Exempt

o AB 89 Passed Assm, hearing this am, officers report

o AB 93 (suicide prevention) Passed Assembly, Kevin, Tony, Darrol Report

o AB 103 (bronze/silver star) Passed Assembly, Senate Transportation, Chair

o AB 131 (selective service) Passed Assembly

o AB 140 (alimony) Passed Assembly

o AB 241 (military/veteran advisory research committee)  To committee on Ways and Means Apr 10.  Declared Exempt, no report

o AB 250 Passed Assembly, hearing on Apr. 30th, 0800.

o AB 257 (Nv. Defense Support Committee) Declared Exempt. No update

o AB 294 (Suicide Prevention Training) Did not make it out of Assembly

o AB 299 (Promotes military charter schools, promotes JROTC) Declared Exempt, no update

o AB 301 (Nv. Flag) Passed Assembly,

o AB 327 (Veterans Court) Neutral Stance; Declared Exempt

o AB 388 (Leave for state employees) Passed Assembly, correction, did not pass Assembly as of yet, Declared Exempt

o AB 439 (Supplemental Appropriation to Office of the Military) Neutral Stance; Declared Exempt, no update

o AB 471 (NDVS Deputy Dir) Do Pass Senate Gov Affairs Committee, Apr 8, Declared Exempt, no update

o AB 472 (Patriot Relief Account) Passed Assembly, Senate Finance, Apr. 8. Declared Exempt, no update

o AB 482 (Veterans Policy Research Institute) Declared Exempt. Assembly Ways and Means Committee March 23, No update

o SB 24 (Unemployment for Guard) Passed Senate, Assembly Gov Affairs, Apr. 9. Correction; passed Senate Committee, then to Assembly Committee, has not passed Senate floor as of yet.



o SB 60 (AG Jag military and veteran) Passed Senate Judiciary Apr. 7. Declared Exempt, no update

o SB 108 (Veteran Preference Cap Increase) Passed Senate correction Senate Committee, Assm Gov Affairs Apr. 9. Waiver granted on 4-20-15. Has not yet passed Senate floor.

o SB 200 (Charter Schools on Base) Neutral Stance; Passed Senate, Ass Education Apr. 3. No Update

o SB 203 (Absentee Ballots) Passed Committee, Senate Leg Operations and Elections, Apr. 10. Declared Exempt, no update.

o SB 209 (DL Veterans Status) Passed Senate

o SB 268 (NDVS MST research) NOE. Passed Senate, first read in Assembly, assigned to Gov Affairs committee.

o Northern Nevada Veterans Home / NDVS Budget No update

-New business

-Open discussion

-Set date for next meeting


o AB76 - Gov Comprehensive. Veteran out of state tuition.

o SB 90- Military court martial

o SB 145- Motorcycle course fee for National Guard

If you need a copy of this AGENDA please print one for yourself

Obtaining expansion of VA child care services

Obtaining expansion of VA child care services is an important priority for DAV, and in particular for young veterans with dependent children who need this support as they recover from wounds, injuries and illnesses associated with their combat deployments. Representatives Julia Brownley and Brian Higgins have introduced important new measures that would authorize child care services to many veterans enrolled in VA health care.  The bills, H.R. 1496, "to amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the access to child care for certain veterans receiving health care at a facility of the Department of Veterans Affairs," and H.R. 1948, the "Veterans Access to Child Care Act," would establish in the VA a flexible new authority to either provide direct services to children of certain veterans during their care, or to pay for, or reimburse expenses for, such private child care services to enable veterans to receive VA health care.  VA's existing three-site pilot program of child care has been deemed a success as an aid to improve access to care, and these similar bills would result in expanding that program nationwide.
Please use the prepared letter or write your own version to contact your Representative to urge support of the Brownley and Higgins bills, H.R. 1496 and H.R. 1948.
Thank you for your participation in the DAV Commander's Action Network, and for your grassroots activism on important DAV priorities.  With your help, DAV is a more effective advocate for wartime veterans.
Click the link below to log in and send your message:

FW: Nevada Legislature Update - Weekly Summary Update April 20

Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible;
 and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

From Larry Tobey

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: 4/21/2015 5:02:28 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Nevada Legislature Update - Weekly Summary Update April 20

For your information.
R. Walker

-----Original Message-----
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:49:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: Nevada Department of Veteran Services <>
Subject: Nevada Legislature Update -  Weekly Summary Update April 20

Nevada Legislature Summary 
Update April 20

This is a weekly notice of the meetings of the past week and upcoming meetings for the coming week. 

NDVS Budget, Northern Nevada Nursing Home Project

The following notes include most recent meetings and known scheduled meetings. More information can be found by clicking the bill number which will take you to the overview page for the bill on the Nevada Legislature website. 


AB62 - Revises certain provisions relating to veterans. 
Most Recent Actions4/17/2015  -  From printer. To reengrossment. Reengrossed. Second reprint. Read third time. Passed, as amended. Title approved, as amended. (Yeas: 40, Nays: None, Excused: 2.) To Senate.

AB71 - Revises provisions relating to military veterans and members and relatives of members of the Nevada National Guard.
Committee: Assembly Taxation

Most Recent Actions: 4/7/15 - From Committee: Amend, and do pass as amended

Last Meeting: 3/12/15
Last Meeting Action: Amend , and do pass as amended
Next Meeting: TBD

AB76Makes various changes relating to the education of veterans and their dependents. 

Committee: Assembly Education

Most Recent Actions: 3/26/15 - Approved by the Governor. Chapter 13
AB89 - Makes various changes to provisions relating to certain professions. 

Committee: Assembly Education

Most Recent Actions:  4/17/2015  -  Read second time. Amended. (Amend. Nos. 79 and 250.) To printer.
Last Meeting: 3/4/15
Last Meeting Action: Amend, and do pass as amended
Next Meeting: TBD

AB103 - Provides for the issuance of special license plates for veterans who are awarded the Silver Star or Bronze Star Medal.
Most Recent Actions:  4/13/2015  -  In Senate. Read first time. Referred to Committee on Transportation. To committee.
Last Meeting: 2/17/15, Assembly on Taxation
Last Meeting Action: Mentioned no jurisdiction
Next Meeting: TBD

AB241 - Creates the Advisory Military and Veterans Research Committee. 
Most Recent Actions: 4/14/2015  -  Read second time. Rereferred to Committee on Ways and Means. Exemption effective. To committee.
Last Meeting: 4/10/15
Last Meeting Action: Without recommendation and rerefer
Next Meeting: TBD


Sign up for
with the Nevada 78th Legislature

You can sign up with the 78th Legislature for Personal Legislative Tracking (PLT) to stay up to date on issues you are interested in. The PLT site allows you to track up to 10 items FREE. Beyond 10, there is a subscription fee which is found on the website.

A brief set of instructions/tips are located on the NDVS website by clicking this link. INSTRUCTIONS.
Or you can go directly to the 78th PLT website HERE.

The instructions provided by NDVS are only to assist you to get started.
If you have issues with registering, signing in or other issues, you must contact the "Webmaster " through the Contact Us tab at the bottom of the PLT home page.  

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Nevada Department of Veteran Services | 6880 S. McCarran Blvd., Bldg. A - Suite 2 | Reno | NV | 89509

-----Original Message-----
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:15:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: Nevada Department of Veteran Services <>
Subject: Updated Events April - June

April - May Updated Events 

If you have events in your area you would like to have included, reply to this email with information, webpage links and contact information and it can be added in the next event update.

April 25
Honor Flight - Kilroy Classic Golf Tournament
Carson City- Silver Oak Golf Center
For Registration and information call 775.315.3700 or visit the tournament web page at

May 2
Operation Pillowcase: 
Registration Deadline April 25
Operation Pillowcase sends hand sewn pillows to deployed military men and women stationed around the world. Families will come together to decorate a pillowcase for their deployed loved one. For this event, pre- ironed on photo, markers and stencils will be provided. 
Location: VFW Post 10047 Veterans Hall.  (Located outside the main gates of Nellis AFB behind Walmart Craig and Las Vegas Blvd are the cross streets) 
Time: Noon - 2 pm.
Food/Activities: Lunch provided, face painting and a magician.
Register by April 25 Here

Always Lost Exhibit: A Meditation on War
Always Lost continues its Nevada tour with support from the NDVS.
April 6-22: Carson City - Nevada State Legislature Building
May 11-18: Hawthorne American Legion

May 2 
Veteran Suicide 
Awareness March
A veteran dies of suicide every 80 minutes. This march is to raise awareness of the 22 veterans who commit suicide each day and the 8,030 each year. 
Carson City - Hwy 395 & College Parkway to Western Nevada Community College.
10am - 1pm
Contact 327.445.3301

May 16
Armed Forces Day
Events begin at 7:30 am with pancake breakfast and continue throughout the day with live outdoor music, war displays, and a parade beginning 12 pm.
Information: Visit Facebook "Armed Forces Day - Hawthorne"

Veterans Guest House 
May 23
Summer Salute 3rd Annual Car Classic
VGH provides housing for veterans and family visiting the Reno Veterans Hospital for medical treatment. 
This Summer Salute is expected to be the largest with 26 car classes and 600 participants. As one of the largest car shows in Reno, proceeds go to support the Guest House's work of assisting veterans. Vehicle entry fee is only $10. Learn More
Location: Rancho San Rafael Park, Reno
June 19
Golfing For Our Heroes - 5th Annual Tournament
Lakeridge Golf Course, Reno 
Various Sponsorships are also available and include "Hole" Sponsorship, "Closest to the Pin", "Longest Drive", "Hole-in-one", and raffle/product sponsorship.

flag place
Memorial Day 
Weekend 2015
Nevada State Veterans Cemeteries
May 23 - Flag Placement Day - Volunteers needed in Fernley and Boulder City.
May 25 - Memorial Day Ceremonies - The Northern and Southern Veterans cemeteries will hold events and celebrate their 25th Anniversary of service to veterans and families. 
Start Times are still to be determined. 

June 11-19 
VFW Nevada State Convention
Palace Station Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas
Register Here; download "State Convention" form. Submission information is on the form.
Room reservations deadline May 10


Sign up for
with the Nevada 78th Legislature

You can sign up with the 78th Legislature for Personal Legislative Tracking (PLT) to stay up to date on issues you are interested in. The PLT site allows you to track up to 10 items FREE. Beyond 10, there is a subscription fee which is found on the website.

A brief set of instructions/tips are located on the NDVS website by clicking this link. INSTRUCTIONS.
Or you can go directly to the 78th PLT website HERE.

The instructions provided by NDVS are only to assist you to get started.
If you have issues with registering, signing in or other issues, you must contact the "Webmaster " through the Contact Us tab at the bottom of the PLT home page.  

Forward this email

This email was sent to by |

Nevada Department of Veteran Services | 6880 S. McCarran Blvd., Bldg. A - Suite 2 | Reno | NV | 89509

FW: UVLC Agenda

Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible;
 and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

From Larry Tobey

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: 4/24/2015 10:38:28 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Fwd: UVLC Agenda

For your information.
R. Walker
4/24/2015 Agenda
·      Introduction
·      Pledge of Allegiance
·      Approval of minutes
·      Approval of agenda
·      Discussion of Active Veteran Legislation / Old Business
o   AB62  Passed Assembly
o   AB71  Assm Committee on Ways and Means, Apr 7. Declared Exempt
o   AB 89 Passed Assm, hearing this am, officers report
o   AB 93 (suicide prevention) Passed Assembly, Kevin, Tony, Darrol Report
o   AB 103 (bronze/silver star) Passed Assembly, Senate Transportation, Chair
o   AB 131 (selective service) Passed Assembly
o   AB 140 (alimony) Passed Assembly
o   AB 241 (military/veteran advisory research committee)  To committee on Ways and Means Apr 10.  Declared Exempt, no report
o   AB 250 Passed Assembly, hearing on Apr. 30th, 0800.
o   AB 257 (Nv. Defense Support Committee) Declared Exempt. No update
o   AB 294 (Suicide Prevention Training) Did not make it out of Assembly
o   AB 299 (Promotes military charter schools, promotes JROTC) Declared Exempt, no update
o   AB 301 (Nv. Flag) Passed Assembly,
o   AB 327 (Veterans Court) Neutral Stance; Declared Exempt
o   AB 388 (Leave for state employees) Passed Assembly, correction, did not pass Assembly as of yet, Declared Exempt
o   AB 439 (Supplemental Appropriation to Office of the Military) Neutral Stance; Declared Exempt, no update
o   AB 471 (NDVS Deputy Dir) Do Pass Senate Gov Affairs Committee, Apr 8, Declared Exempt, no update
o   AB 472 (Patriot Relief Account) Passed Assembly, Senate Finance, Apr. 8. Declared Exempt, no update
o   AB 482 (Veterans Policy Research Institute) Declared Exempt. Assembly Ways and Means Committee March 23, No update
o   SB 24 (Unemployment for Guard) Passed Senate, Assembly Gov Affairs, Apr. 9. Correction; passed Senate Committee, then to Assembly Committee, has not passed Senate floor as of yet.
o   SB 60 (AG Jag military and veteran) Passed Senate Judiciary Apr. 7. Declared Exempt, no update
o   SB 108 (Veteran Preference Cap Increase) Passed Senate correction Senate Committee, Assm Gov Affairs Apr. 9. Waiver granted on 4-20-15. Has not yet passed Senate floor.
o   SB 200 (Charter Schools on Base) Neutral Stance; Passed Senate, Ass Education Apr. 3. No Update
o   SB 203 (Absentee Ballots) Passed Committee, Senate Leg Operations and Elections, Apr. 10. Declared Exempt, no update.
o   SB 209 (DL Veterans Status) Passed Senate
o   SB 268 (NDVS MST research) NOE. Passed Senate, first read in Assembly, assigned to Gov Affairs committee.
o   Northern Nevada Veterans Home / NDVS Budget No update
-New business
-Open discussion
-Set date for next meeting
o   AB76 - Gov Comprehensive. Veteran out of state tuition.
o   SB 90- Military court martial
o   SB 145- Motorcycle course fee for National Guard
If you need a copy of this AGENDA please print one for yourself
Caleb E. Harris 
UVLC Chairman

DAV Nv Legislative Co-Chair
VFW Nv Legislative Co-Chair 
PO Box 60431 Reno, Nv
