Thursday, September 3, 2015

FW: DVNF E-Newsletter: What Can You Do to Help a Hurting Vet?


Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2015 06:03:25 -0500
Subject: DVNF E-Newsletter: What Can You Do to Help a Hurting Vet?

Dear Robert,
September is Suicide Prevention Month. Sometimes, designating a month to raise awareness about a cause or issue is overlooked, but this is one that we at the Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) hope you don't ignore.
Some research has shown that the military and veteran suicide rate is 50 percent higher than that of civilians, which is as sad as it is alarming. But there is something I can do, and there is something you can do to help save the lives of these veterans.
The Veterans Crisis Line is a free, confidential crisis resource that Veterans and their families and friends can access any day, anytime. Trained responders — some of them Veterans themselves — are ready to listen, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
The VA counts on grass-roots networks and community organizations to spread the word that support is just a call, click, or text away — because we're all in this together, and one small act shows you care. 
Identifying Signs of Crisis
Sometimes, a crisis may involve thoughts of suicide. The following signs require immediate attention:
  • Thinking about hurting or killing yourself
  • Looking for ways to kill yourself
  • Talking about death, dying, or suicide
  • Self-destructive behavior such as drug abuse, weapons, etc.
If you notice any of these in a Veteran or Service member you know, connect him or her with the Veterans Crisis Line's 24/7/365 resources: Call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online at, or text to 838255. 
Nearly $420,000 in New Grants to 20 Organizations!
I am pleased to announce that 17 new organizations have been given grants from DVNF to contribute to their individual missions to support veterans. In addition, 3 previous grant recipients will receive additional funding for their programs. Almost $420,000 will be given in this round of grants!
Each one of these organizations has a critical duty in providing veterans in need with the programs and services to address those needs. Some are local or regional, and others are broader in scope, but they all do very important work that ensure our veterans get the care and support they need.
The following organizations received grants from DVNF:
Soldier's Heart, Inc
Warriors' Best Friend Foundation
Home for Heroes, Inc.
Blue Star Ranch, Serving Our Nations' Veterans
Butterfly Circle of Friends/Vets Chat, Inc.
Silver Lining Villages, Inc.
Adult Care Services
Hearts for Heroes US Corp
Hearts & Hooves
Hospitalized Veterans' Writing Project
The Won Center for East West Medicine at Hahnemann University
Operation Military Embrace
Yuba Sutter Veterans Stand Down
Join-Up International
Boise Rescue Mission Ministries
Rush University Medical Center
Human Engineering Research Laboratory
New England Center for Homeless Veterans
Veteran K-9 Corps (America's VetDogs)
USA Cares

More information on these organizations and the programs that are being funded will follow.
On the Horizon
We have a busy September planned, and are always grateful for your continued support. Please make sure you share this email with friends and family; it could save a life. And if you want to support DVNF in our programs and services to veterans, I encourage you to donate today!

Joseph VanFonda (USMC SgtMaj Ret.)

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