Thursday, July 9, 2015

FW: DVNF E-Newsletter: Results of Your Support

"God Bless America "
"One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God"
 For those who understand, no explanation is needed.  
 For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible        

Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 06:12:16 -0500
Subject: DVNF E-Newsletter: Results of Your Support

Dear Robert, 
I hope that you had an outstanding Fourth of July weekend, and that you were able to celebrate our nation's beginning with your friends and family.
Here at Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF), we were able to spend our Independence Day knowing that, due to our recent round of grant funding to twelve different organizations around the country, many veterans will be in a better situation than before.
To properly thank these organizations for their service to veterans, DVNF held a luncheon to acknowledge the value of our partnership with them, and how it will benefit the men and women who have served in our military.
DVNF is proud to work with these 12 organizations, and thanks them for the outstanding programs they offer veterans. Together, we are all making a difference so that those who stood in our defense know that they can count on the grateful nation for which they fought.
Take a look at our blog post for more information about this outstanding luncheon!
How Your Support Is Making a Difference
Sometimes even something that seems small to you or me can make a considerable impact on another. This is often the case with how our Health & Comfort program can help veterans in need.
Consider the following quotes:
"As a homeless veteran, I feel like the world has forgotten about me. This stand down is unbelievable. They gave me everything I needed."
"That's one of the reasons why DVNF's help is so appreciated. These things, like pants and jackets and socks, are one less thing these people have to pay for. It may not be much, but they're able to save their money for other things, things like rent or transportation or health."
Look at our impact report from the first half of the year to see how much your contributions to DVNF's work have affected veterans.
More Support Given, More on the Way!
Not only has DVNF sent recent shipments to Beckley, WV, and Kansas City to support veterans in these areas, but there is another shipment on its way out west.
Each year, the city Marysville, California hosts the Yuba-Sutter Stand Down. This year they are expecting over a thousand veterans to be in attendance!
DVNF's Health & Comfort items for this particular shipment will primarily consist of blankets, care kits, and other first aid supplies, and will be of great use to the homeless and low-income veterans in northern California.
We could not have done this without your support. Please, continue doing all you can for veterans.
Please help to ensure future shipments of these necessary items with a generous gift of $25, $50, $100, or even more. It can mean all the difference for the veterans we serve.
Joseph VanFonda (USMC SgtMaj Ret.)

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